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 Definition of LED direction spectra parameter structure, subtype-a.

 Version 1.2

 Level(s): 3

 Format(s): f30,f40,f50

    CO_SYS   : STRING[3]      Coordinate system of the D1-directions
    CO_TYPE  : STRING[3]      Coordinate type of the D1-directions
    D1_DIR   : FLOAT[2,7]     Direction angles of the D1-detectors
    P_EMIN   : FLOAT[16,7]    Minimum energies for the protons ([E-channel,D1-detector])
    P_EMAX   : FLOAT[16,7]    Maximum energies for the protons
    P_ENOM   : FLOAT[16,7]    Nominal energies for the protons
    P_GDE    : FLOAT[16,7]    GdE values for the protons
    P_EFF    : FLOAT[16,7]    Effectivity coefficients for the protons
    HE4_EMIN : FLOAT[8,7]     Minimum energies for the he4
    HE4_EMAX : FLOAT[8,7]     Maximum energies for the he4
    HE4_ENOM : FLOAT[8,7]     Nominal energies for the he4
    HE4_GDE  : FLOAT[8,7]     GdE values for the he4
    HE4_EFF  : FLOAT[8,7]     Effectivity coefficients for the he4

 NOTE-1: There are 16 proton and 8 helium channels in the level-3 LED direction spectra
         data.  The thin D1-detectors (D11 and D16) cover the whole energy range, but
         the lowest channels (0-5 for protons and 0-2 for he4) of the thick D1-detectors
         (D12, D13, D14, D15 and D17) contain no data.

 NOTE-2: The data values for the structure fields are intended to be read from the
         parameter file 'lev3_ledDirSpectraPara', using the IDL program


 1.2 - 2007-02-21 (ER)

       Change of structure. Added fields related to LED D1-directions.

 1.1 - 2007-02-02 (ER)

       Change of structure. Individual energy values for each detector.

 1.0 - 2007-01-31

       First version for automated (on-need) structure definition (ER)
tleddirspectrapara_a.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/12 09:52 by admin