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 pro TledCntrs_a__DEFINE

 Version: 1.0

 Definition of the LED Science Counter structure

 Sub-type: a

 Level(s): 2

 Format(s): f10

 NOTE: The bit numbering used here is reversed as compared to the one in the Onboard Science
       Software documentation. The numbering here is the standard one for Intel- and Alpha-
       technologies, while the OSS documentation follows the numbering of the MIL-STD-1750A,
       used in ERNE onboard processor.

    readOrder     : INT        H/W counter read order (0x0100)
    hwCs          : LONG[8]    LED hardware counters
    intC          : LONG       Total LED interrupt counter
    pr1C          : LONG       PR1 interrupt counter
    pr2Cs         : LONG[6]    10-sec SRD-updated PR2 interrupt counters
    pr1swErrC     : LONG       PR1 status word error counter
    pr2swErrCs    : LONG[6]    10-sec SRD-updated PR2 sw-error counters
    anaC          : LONG       Analyzed LED event counter
    rofC          : LONG       Raw data (PHA) over flow counter
    pnErrC        : LONG       Particle Number error counter
    othErrC       : LONG       Other Error Counter
    nPnEneHydrogen: LONG       PN-Energy matrix hydrogen counter
    nPnEneHelium  : LONG       PN-Energy matrix helium counter
    nPhaHeavy     : BYTE       PHA data heavy counter
    nPhaHelium    : BYTE       PHA data helium (+pnErr) counter
    nPhaLight     : BYTE       PHA data light (+pnErr) counter
    nPhaRescued   : BYTE       PHA data rescued (+pnErr) counter


 1.0 - 2006-10-25

       First version for automated (on-need) structure definition (ER)

tledcntrs_a.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/11 20:33 by admin