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IDL doc_library comment

Function lobt2date converts CEPAC Local On Board Time (LOBT) value,
 which is an approximation of the International Atomic Time (TAI time),
 to a date array.

 result = lobt2date(lobt)

 result:  Date in array of long format:

 lobt:    Cepac Local On Board Time (TAI time) value in seconds. Default
          type is DOUBLE. Other numeric types are OK, but are type cast
          to DOUBLE in the process.

 Uses:    Generic IDL procedure cdf_epoch.

         This routine is intended to work for ERNE-data. Specifically dates
         prior to launch (1995-12-02) are not necessary handled properly.

         Leap seconds: +29 added to all times (UTC leap seconds at launch date),
                       at the end of 1995-12-31 +1,
                       at the end of 1997-06-30 +1,
                       at the end of 1998-12-31 +1.
                       at the end of 2005-12-31 +1.

  Version History:

  Version 1.2

      4.1.2006         Added leap second at the end of year 2005.

                       Author: ER, Space Research Laboratory, University of Turku

  Version 1.1

      8.10.2003        Modified the handling of the leap seconds. Earlier leap
                       seconds were returned as the first second of the next day.
                       This was of course not very nice, we could get 'the same'
                       second twice and time could even go backwards depending
                       on the milliseconds in these time stamps (leap second and
                       the proper first second of the day).

                       Now the leap seconds are properly labeled as the 60th second
                       of the day. For example 1995-12-31 23:59:60.mmm (where mmm
                       stands for the milliseconds)

                       Author: ER, Space Research Laboratory, University of Turku



       27.6.1996       Original version (v1.0)


        6.3.1997        Lobt as array
        22.6.1998       Leap seconds updated
        15.12.1999      Leap seconds updated

                       Author: MT, Space Research Laboratory, University of Turku
lobt2date.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/11 18:03 by admin