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Format(s): f10

  ERNE Effectivity Coefficients for LED 3x Hit Levels

  Version 1.0 (TM format f10)

  Usage: multiply lev-3 intensity values for measurement periods with LED 3x
         hit levels by the tabulated numbers below.

  NOTE-1: All coefficients are 1.0 because there are no LED 3x hit level data
          for TM format f10. This file is however required for consistency
          by the idl function 'ged_l3_spectra'.

  Version history:

    1.0 - 2002-05-08
          Original version, ER

         p            He
        1.0           1.0    ;  0 LED  0
        1.0           1.0    ;  1      1
        1.0           1.0    ;  2      2
        1.0           1.0    ;  3      3
        1.0           1.0    ;  4      4
        1.0           1.0    ;  5      5
        1.0           1.0    ;  6      6
        1.0           1.0    ;  7      7
        1.0           1.0    ;  8      8
        1.0           1.0    ;  9      9
        1.0           1.0    ; 10     10
        1.0           1.0    ; 11     11

        1.0           1.0    ; 12 HED  0
        1.0           1.0    ; 13      1
        1.0           1.0    ; 14      2
        1.0           1.0    ; 15      3
        1.0           1.0    ; 16      4
        1.0           1.0    ; 17      5
        1.0           1.0    ; 18      6
        1.0           1.0    ; 19      7
        1.0           1.0    ; 20      8
        1.0           1.0    ; 21      9
        1.0           1.0    ; 22     10
        1.0           1.0    ; 23     11

led_x3eff_1.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/11 18:17 by admin