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GED (Get Erne Data) is a set of IDL programs and auxiliary files for reading and manipulating ERNE level-2 and level-3 science data. In addition, ged is also the name of the main function of the system.

In principle there is only one ged program user needs to know: ged, an IDL function that acts as a front end for the other ged programs. The other functions are called automatically as needed based on the requested data type and prosessing parameter (IDL keyword) settings. However, an effective use of the system at its current state requires also some knowledge of what happens 'behind the scenes'. Specifically user should be aware what keywords are available to control the processing of the data in question. The available keywords depend on the 'lower level' functions that are used to read and process each data type.

Quick Refence

The Data stucture entries link to pages with information on the names and types of the fields of the corresponding structures. From the GED reader pages the user can check e.g., the set of available keywords. These keywords are acknowledged when making a ged request for the corresponding type of ERNE data.



All the level-2 data is read by the same reader function: ged_l2_a. The data types and the associated data structures are listed in the table below.

Data typef10f30f40f50Data structure Description Note
counters x TscCounters_a ESU science counters
x TscCounters_b ESU science counters
x TscCounters_c ESU science counters
x TscCounters_d ESU science counters
10s_spectra x Tsc10sCntrs_a LED+HED 10 second spectra
pn_spectra x TscEcntrs_a LED+HED on-board spectra
led_spectra x x x TledEcntrs_b LED on-board spectra
hed_spectra x x x ThedEcntrs_b HED on-board spectra
led_pha x x x x TscHeader_a LED pulse height data (file input) a
x x x x TledPHAevent_a LED pulse height data (file input) a
x x x x TledPHArecord_a LED pulse height data (output) b
hed_pha x x x x TscHeader_a HED pulse height data (file input) a
x x x x ThedPHAevent_a HED pulse height data (file input) a
x x x x ThedPHArecord_a HED pulse height data (output) b
hed_electrons x ThedElectronCntrs_a HED “electrons”
hed_relat x x x ThedElectronCntrs_b HED “electrons”
hed_anisotropy_AN x ThedDirCntrs_a HED dx-dy-profiles: 0-5 c
hed_anisotropy_BN x ThedDirCntrs_b HED phi-theta tables: 0-5 c
hed_dirdistrN x x x ThedDirCntrs_c HED phi-theta tables: 0-5 c
  • a: INPUT, from a lev-2 file. For each measurement period ('minute'): Science Header followed by two bytes (fillMode and nEvents) and then nEvents number of PHA event structures for the period.
  • b: OUTPUT, function result: array of records of the indicated type.
  • c: N = anisotropy (direction distribution) channel number (0..5).



For level-3 there are different ged-functions depending on the data type and telemetry format. The indicated data structure is the one used in the corresponding disk file record. The actual reader output might differ depending on the selected filtering.

Data type f10f40f50Data structure GED reader Description Note
corr x x x Tcorr_a ged_l3_corr Counters used in data normalization
pHe_spectra x TobSpectra_a ged_l3_spectra proton and He onboard spectra
spectra x x TobSpectra_b p, He3 and He4 onboard spectra
led_pha x x x TledPartData_a ged_l3_pha LED pulse height data
hed_pha x x x ThedPartData_a HED pulse height data
hed_pha_calib x x x ThedPartData_c HED pulse height calibration data a
led_dirspectra x x TledDirSpectra_a ged_l3_leddirspectraLED direction spectra b
  • a: Calibration data is available for selected periods only.
  • b: Disk file structure indicated. The nominal reader output will have the lower energy channels, which are covered only by the LED-I (thin D1 detectors), discarded.
ged_docs.1696932418.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/10/10 13:06 by admin