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Table of Contents
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Software documentation
Headline Level 5
Headline Level 4
Headline Level 3
Headline Level 2
Headline Level 1
Sources of space physics observations
Web is full of pages with space physics observations. We might know by heart where they are, but, still, add them to 6), so that they are easier to find…
Sources of scientific Publications
The natural place to start looking is the [|Astrophysics Data System], which contains bibliographic data, usually the abstract and often the article or links to the articles.
*7): Direct links to journal pages
Attending meetings and conferences is a very central part of research. Please add to 8) any future meetings you know of. Indicate also if you are going, it's quite standard to give people posters to hang in conferences…
Sources of Funding
Finland has, in addition to Academy of Finland, a wealth of foundations for funding scientific research, particularly for you doctoral students.
*[|Tutkimusrahoitustiedotus] (in finnish) has a list of funding sources. They publish a new list about four times a year. *9) can be found in this page (as long as someone adds them there…)
These links contain publications organized in various ways and categories
Space Research Laboratory Publications
!!Solar Events
A list of analyzed solar events, and the papers the analysis was published in, can be found 12)
!!News *[|Our selection of space (rss)] *[|Videos (rss)]
!!Whatever *13) *14), for material you don't (yet) know where it would belong *15), to try out things in coding etc