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IDL doc_library comment
Function date2lobt converts date to CEPAC Local On Board Time (LOBT), which is an approximation of the International Atomic Time (TAI). result=date2lobt(date) date: Date in array format:[year,month,day,hour,minute,second,millisecond] E.g. date=[1995,12,2,8,8,0,0] or date=[1995,12,1] The length of the date must be atleast 1, if the rest is missing it is supposed to be 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0. Also array of date arrays is accepted. E.g. date=[[1995,12,2,8,8,0,0],[1996,12,2,8,8,0,0]] or date=[[1995],[1996],[1997]]. In this case an array of doubles is returned. result: CEPAC Local On Board Time values (TAI) in seconds (Double). Uses: Generic IDL routine cdf_epoch. Comment: This routine is intended to work mainly for ERNE-data. Specifically dates prior to launch (1995-12-2) are not necessary handled properly. Leap seconds: +29 added to all times (UTC leap seconds at launch date), after 1995-12-31 +1, after 1997-06-30 +1, after 1998-12-31 +1. after 2005-12-31 +1. Errors: The returned values are negative if something goes wrong. Notably cdf_epoch allows only months between [1..12], days between [1..31], and so on. Exeption are the known leap seconds e.g., 1995-12-31 23:56:60.mmm, where '60' is allowed as a value for seconds (mmm stands for the milliseconds. While cdf_epoch doesn't allow this, it is circumvented in the enveloping code here. Version History: Version 1.3 4.1.2006 Added leap second at the end of year 2005. Author: ER, Space Research Laboratory, University of Turku Version 1.2 8.10.2003 1) Bug correction. The leap second correction was made too early. The timing error was equal to the number of current leap seconds. Reversing the order of the leap second addjustments solved the problem. 2) Added the possibility to input the leap second time in the date field. That is, the second field can be 60 as special case. Author: ER, Space Research Laboratory, University of Turku Date2Lobt2 - Double version (v1.1) 3.1.2000 'DOUBLE' version. Changed output type from 'LONGINT' to 'DOUBLE' in order to retain the millisecond information. Author: ER, Space Research Laboratory, University of Turku Date2Lobt Created: 13.6.1996 Original version (v1.0) Output type: 'LONGINT'. Modifications: 6.3.1997 Date as array 22.6.1998 Leap seconds updated 15.12.1999 Leap seconds updated Author: MT, Space Research Laboratory, University of Turku
date2lobt.1697036462.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/10/11 18:01 by admin