
 Definition of ground analysed LED particle, sub-type 'a'

 Version 1.0

 Level(s): 3

 Format(s): f10,f30,f40,f50

    d1i   : BYTE       Index of the D1 detector (11-17)
    discr : BYTE       Discriminator bits.                                        (1)
    pri   : BYTE       Onboard priority (1=PR1, 2=PR2)
    obCat : BYTE       On-board category bits:                                     (2)
                          b6=Onboard ident = He4 (He or light/resc section)
                          b5=Onboard ident = He3 (He or light/resc section)
                          b4=Onboard ident = d or t (He or light/resc section)
                          b3=Heavy PHA section
                          b2=Helium PHA section
                          b1=Light PHA section (includes rescued data)
                          b0=Rescued PHA section (b1 bit set also)
    l2ind : LONG       Level-2 PHA event index                                    (3)
    ene   : FLOAT[2]   D1 (ENE[0]) and D2 (ENE[1]) energies [keV]
    pid   : FLOAT      Particle ID from the onground analysis (SClev2to3)

 1) Discrimation bits are valid only for MAINT-mode data, otherwise all 0.

 2) The onboard identification bits (obCat b4-b6) are valid only from OSS-2.51
    onwards (since 25 January 2002).

 3) Index of this particle in the level-2 PHA record file for this day. Some of
    the PHA events will be discarded during the ground analysis so there is no
    one-to-one match between the level-2 and level-3 particle entries. So if you
    need to get the matching level-2 PHA record for any level-3 particle, you can
    (and must) use this index to identify the corresponding level-2 entry.


 1.0 - 2006-11-21

       First version for automated (on-need) structure definition (ER)