
 pro TledCntrs_b__DEFINE

 Version: 1.0

 Definition of the LED Science Counter structure

 Sub-type: b

 Level(s): 2

 Format(s): f30

 NOTE: The bit numbering used here is reversed as compared to the one in the Onboard Science
       Software documentation. The numbering here is the standard one for Intel- and Alpha-
       technologies, while the OSS documentation follows the numbering of the MIL-STD-1750A,
       used in ERNE onboard processor.

    readOrder      : INT        H/W counter read order (0x0100)
    hwCs           : LONG[8]    Hardware counters
    tot_IC         : LONG       Total Interrupt Counter (IC)
    pr2sr_IC       : LONG       PR2 Sample Rate Divider updated IC
    pr1d1_ICs      : LONG[7]    PR1 D1 IC
    pr2d1_ICs      : LONG[7]    PR2 D1 IC
    pr0sr_IC       : LONG       PR0 PR2-SRD updated IC
    pr0_IC         : LONG       PR0 IC
    pr1err_IC      : LONG       PR1 Error IC
    pr2err_IC      : LONG       PR2 Error IC
    intERRflags    : INT        Interrupt error flags:
                                   b15 = PR0 D11                (most significant bit)
                                   b14 = PR0 D12
                                   b13 = PR0 D13
                                   b12 = PR0 D14
                                   b11 = PR0 D15
                                   b10 = PR0 D16
                                   b9  = PR0 D17
                                   b8  = RESERVED
                                   b7  = RESERVED
                                   b6  = PR1 but not PR2 bit set
                                   b5  = PR1 D11-hit
                                   b4  = PR1 D16-hit
                                   b3  = No D2-hit
                                   b2  = No D1-hit
                                   b1  = Multiple D1-hits
                                   b0  = AC hit                 (least significant bit)
    tot_AC         : LONG       Total Analysis Counter (AC)
    errACK_AC      : INT        Acknowledged error AC
    pr1heavy_AC    : INT        PR1 heavy isotope AC
    pr2heavy_AC    : INT        PR2 heavy isotope AC
    pr1dORt_AC     : INT        PR1 deuteron or triton AC
    pr2dORt_AC     : INT        PR2 deuteron or triton AC
    thinNoise_AEC  : INT        Thin D1 noise Error AC
    thickNoise_AEC : INT        Thick D1 noise Error AC
    pr1rLim_AEC    : INT        PR1 background Error AC
    pr2rLim_AEC    : INT        PR2 background Error AC
    pr1pifSmall_AEC: INT        PR1 small pif Error AC
    pr2pifSmall_AEC: INT        PR2 small pif Error AC
    pr1pifGap_AEC  : INT        PR1 t-He3 pif gap Error AC
    pr2pifGap_AEC  : INT        PR2 t-He3 pif gap Error AC
    other_AEC      : INT        Other Error AC
    internal_AEC   : INT        Internal Error AC
    anaERRflags    : INT        Analysis error flags:
                                   b15    = Internal Error PR   (most significant bit)
                                   b14    = Internal Error PR1
                                   b13    = Internal Error PR2
                                   b12    = Internal Error PIF
                                   b8-b11 = RESERVED
                                   b7     = Thin D1 noise PR1
                                   b6     = Thin D1 noise PR2
                                   b5     = Thick D1 noise PR1
                                   b4     = Thick D1 noise PR2
                                   b3     = D1 low energy PR1
                                   b2     = D1 low energy PR2
                                   b1     = D2 low energy PR1
                                   b0     = D2 low energy PR2   (least significant bit)
    nPR1p          : LONG       PR1spectra: total number of protons
    nPR2p          : LONG       PR2spectra: total number of protons
    nPR1he3        : LONG       PR1spectra: total number of He3
    nPR2he3        : LONG       PR2spectra: total number of He3
    nPR1he4        : LONG       PR1spectra: total number of He4
    nPR2he4        : LONG       PR2spectra: total number of He4
    nPhaHeavy      : BYTE       PHA data: heavy isotope counter
    nPhaHelium     : BYTE       PHA data: Helium, Deuteron and Triton counter
    nPhaLight      : BYTE       PHA data: Light isotope counter
    nPhaRescued    : BYTE       PHA data: Rescued part (included in light counter above)


 1.0 - 2006-10-25

       First version for automated (on-need) structure definition (ER)