
 Structure containing the parameter values used in the on-board
 intensity calculations for the lev-3 element (p or He) spectra.

 Version 1.0

 Level(s): 3

 Format(s): f30,f40,f50

    gfLed     : FLOAT[7]       Geometrical factors for the LED sub-
                               detectors D1i-D2, i=1..7
    ledEwidth : FLOAT[54]      Energy channel widths for LED E-bins
    gfHed     : FLOAT[4,18]    Geometrical factors for HED according
                               to the stopping detector (s2y,D1,D2
                               or D3) and the corresponding energy
                               bins (18 bins for each stop-det).
    hedEwidth : FLOAT[4,18]    Energy channel widths for HED.
                               Stop-det and binning as above

 NOTE 1: LED onboard spectra uses a total of 54 energy bin values
         for the light isotopes (p,He3 and He4). The binning is done
         according to the absolute energy (not E/n), and hardware
         priority (PR1 or PR2). Protons use the lower energies
         and helium the higher energies and the middle range covered
         by all.

 NOTE 2. In HED the number of onboard bins varies depending on the
         isotope and the stopping detector. Maximum number of onboard
         bins is 19 (for D2 stopped particles), but the first onboard
         (low-energy error bin) is discarded from the level-3 data,
         so we need only 18 bins here. Note that for other than D2-
         stopped particles, some of the bins are unused.


 1.0 - 2007-01-17

       First version for automated (on-need) structure definition (ER)