
 Definition of amplification parameter record for HED, sub-type 'a'

 Version 1.0

 Level(s): 3

 Format(s): f10,f30,f40,f50

 This is structure recording the calibration values used
 by the on-ground analysis.

    chMin  : LONG[20]      Minimum pulse heights [det]
    off    : LONG[3,20]    Offset [gain,det]
    ch2keV : FLOAT[3,20]   Conversion factors ('amplifications') [gain,det]

 gain:  0 = high
        1 = medium
        2 = low

 det :  0 = S1H1X(E)  - 'E-edge', low-coordinate edge
        1 = S1H1X(C)  - 'C-edge', high-coordinate edge
        2 = S1H2X(E)
        3 = S1H2X(C)
        4 = S1H1Y(E)
        5 = S1H1Y(C)
        6 = S1H2Y(E)
        7 = S1H2Y(C)
        8 = S2H1X(E)
        9 = S2H1X(C)
       10 = S2H2X(E)
       11 = S2H2X(C)
       12 = S2H1Y(E)
       13 = S2H1Y(C)
       14 = S2H2Y(E)
       15 = S2H2Y(C)
       16 = D1H1
       17 = D1H2
       18 = D2
       19 = D3


 1.0 - 2006-11-30

       First version for automated (on-need) structure definition (ER)