Format(s): f10

  ERNE Effectivity Coefficients for HED 3x Hit Levels

  Version 1.0 (TM format f10)

  Usage: multiply lev-3 intensity values for measurement periods with HED 3x
         hit levels by the tabulated numbers below.

  Version history:

    1.2 - 2003-01-29

          New values based on f10 measurements during 1996.

          Two 1x/3x hit level period pairs were considered:

            2.6 - 17.6   1x
           19.6 - 31.7   3x

           1.11 -  1.12  3x
           3.12 - 19.12  1x


          1) The LED channels and lower HED channels had higher
             average intensities during 3x-hit level periods
             resulting in correction factors smaller than 1.0.
             This was presumably due to small particle events
             that were present during the (longer) 3x integration

          2) HED channel 11 was empty as anticipated.

          3) It seems that only HED channels 6-10 were affected
             by the hit level changes. This conforms also with the
             earlier understanding. The corresponding correction
             factors between the two periods are also in good
             agreement. This is in contrast to other energies,
             where the differences tend to be  much bigger. This
             seems to indicate also that the small particle events
             had no effect in the higher HED energies.

          The correction factors for the HED channels 6-10 in the
          table are set to average values attained from the two
          periods. Other factors are set to 1.0.

    1.1 - 2002-06-18

          New values based on format-40  values (hedx3eff.4.0)
          The f10 coefficients are calculated from the f40 proton
          values by weighting the f40 coefficients with the
          GdE-values of the contributing f40 energy channels.
          In other words, these values are weighted sums of
          the f40 values, weight factor being the corresponding

    1.0 - 2002-05-08
          Original version with dymmy coefficients, ER

         p            He
        1.0           1.0        ;  0 LED  0
        1.0           1.0        ;  1      1
        1.0           1.0        ;  2      2
        1.0           1.0        ;  3      3
        1.0           1.0        ;  4      4
        1.0           1.0        ;  5      5
        1.0           1.0        ;  6      6
        1.0           1.0        ;  7      7
        1.0           1.0        ;  8      8
        1.0           1.0        ;  9      9
        1.0           1.0        ; 10     10
        1.0           1.0        ; 11     11

        1.0           1.0        ; 12 HED  0
        1.0           1.0        ; 13      1
        1.0           1.0        ; 14      2
        1.0           1.0        ; 15      3
        1.0           1.0        ; 16      4
        1.0           1.0        ; 17      5
       1.14090        1.0        ; 18      6
       2.40213        1.0        ; 19      7
       24.5816        1.0        ; 20      8
       5.90016        1.0        ; 21      9
       3.25230        1.0        ; 22     10
        1.0           1.0        ; 23     11