===== TobSpectrum_b ===== Definition of on-board spectrum structure, sub-type 'b' Version 1.0 Level(s): 3 Format(s): f30,f40,f50 TobSpectrum_b:: count : LONG[68] Counter values for 34 HED and 34 LED onboard energy bins. normcount : FLOAT[68] Normalized counters (corrected for sampling effects) intensity : FLOAT[68] Intensities [1/(cm^2 sr MeV s)] NOTE: There are originally 36 energy bins in each HED and LED onboard measurement. The first and last bins are not included in the level-3 data, thus only 34 channels for each HED and LED here. VERSION HISTORY: 1.0 - 2006-12-08 First version for automated (on-need) structure definition (ER)