===== ThedDirCntrs_b ===== Definition of the HED directional counters, sub-type 'b' Version 1.0 Level(s): 2 Format(s): f10 NOTE: There exists two types of direction (anisotropy) measurements for format f10: a) Original 'profile vectors': OSS-2.1 series, up to 11-Dec-1997. b) Phi-Theta counters tables: OSS-2.2 series, 12-Dec-1997 - 18-Apr-2000. ThedDirCntrs_b corresponds to the latter. ThedDirCntrs_b:: scHeader : {TscHeader_a} The header from the first period of the 4 period integration time of the direction distribution record. The statFlags-field is an exception as it has all the four statFlags OR'ed together. nDirect : ULONG Number of particles directly from zenith (dx=dy=0) cntrs : BYTE[24,10] Phi-Theta counter table VERSION HISTORY: 1.0 - 2006-10-31 First version for automated (on-need) structure definition (ER) [[TscHeader_a]]