===== ThedCntrs_d ===== pro ThedCntrs_d__DEFINE Version: 1.0 Definition of the HED Science Counter structure Sub-type: d Level(s): 2 Format(s): f50 NOTE: The bit numbering used here is reversed as compared to the one in the Onboard Science Software documentation. The numbering here is the standard one for Intel- and Alpha- technologies, while the OSS documentation follows the numbering of the MIL-STD-1750A, used in ERNE onboard processor. ThedCntrs_d:: readOrder : INT H/W counter read order (0x3210) hwCs : LONG[16] Hardware counters tot_IC : LONG Total Interrupt Counter (IC) pr000e_IC : LONG PR-000 electron IC pr000ac2_IC : LONG PR-000 side anticoinsidense shield (AC2) IC pr000hwe_IC : LONG PR-000 H/W Error IC pr000swe_IC : LONG PR-000 Status Word (SW) Error IC pr000n_IC : LONG PR-000 nucleon IC pr001_IC : LONG PR-001 (PR2, penetrating particles) IC pr001ac2_IC : LONG PR-001 AC2 IC pr010_IC : LONG PR-010 (PR1) IC pr010ac2_IC : LONG PR-010 AC2 IC pr010hwe_IC : LONG PR-010 H/W Error IC pr010swe_IC : LONG PR-010 SW Error IC pr011_IC : LONG PR-011 (PR1 penetrating) IC pr011ac2_IC : LONG PR-011 AC2 IC pr100e_IC : LONG PR-100 electron IC pr100ac2_IC : LONG PR-100 AC2 IC pr100hwe_IC : LONG PR-100 H/W Error IC pr100swe_IC : LONG PR-100 SW Error IC pr100n_IC : LONG PR-100 nucleon IC pr101_IC : LONG PR-101 (penetrating electron) IC pr110_IC : LONG PR-110 (PR1 electron) IC pr110ac2_IC : LONG PR-110 AC2 IC pr110err_IC : LONG PR-110 Error IC pr110hwe_IC : LONG PR-110 H/W Error IC pr110swe_IC : LONG PR-110 SW Error IC pr111_IC : LONG PR-111 (penetrating PR1 electron) IC ac1pr2e_IC : LONG AC1HIT but not PR2 -errors pr2src_IC : LONG PR2 Sample Rate Divider updated IC pr3src_IC : LONG PR3 Sample Rate Divider updated IC shadHWC_IC : LONG Shadow Interrupt Counter for H/W counters 1-4 s1xDbl_IC : LONG S1x double hit (PR000) IC tot_AC : LONG Total Analysis Counter (AC) errACK_AC : INT Acknowledged error AC pr1heavy_AC : INT PR1 heavy isotope AC pr3heavy_AC : INT PR3 heavy isotope AC pr1dORt_AC : INT PR1 deuteron or triton AC pr3dORt_AC : INT PR3 deuteron or triton AC pr2ok_AC : INT PR2 (penetrating) AC pr1lowEtot_AEC : INT PR1 low total energy AC pr3lowEtot_AEC : INT PR3 low total energy AC pr1pifSmall_AEC: INT PR1 small pif Error AC pr3pifSmall_AEC: INT PR3 small pif Error AC pr1pifGap_AEC : INT PR1 t-He3 pif gap Error AC pr3pifGap_AEC : INT PR3 t-He3 pif gap Error AC pr1traj_AEC : INT PR1 trajectory Error AC pr3traj_AEC : INT PR3 trajectory Error AC pr1struct_AEC : INT PR1 structure hit Error AC pr3struct_AEC : INT PR3 structure hit Error AC pr1s1xH2c_AEC : INT PR1 S1XH2 too low C-Energy pr3s1xH2c_AEC : INT PR3 S1XH2 too low C-Energy pr1s1xH2e_AEC : INT PR1 S1XH2 C-Energy > S1X Etot estimate pr3s1xH2e_AEC : INT PR3 S1XH2 C-Energy > S1X Etot estimate electron_AEC : INT Electron Error AC pr1other_AEC : INT PR1 other Error AC pr3other_AEC : INT PR3 other Error AC internal_AEC : INT Internal Error AC&flags: b3-b15 = error counter (13 bits) b2 = anisotropy b1 = ndet b0 = pr pr1anaERRflags : INT PR1 analysis error flags: b15 = RESERVED (most significant bit) b9-b14 = RESERVED b8 = Incident angle too big b7 = S1x low energy b6 = S1y low energy b5 = S2x low energy b4 = S2y low energy b3 = D1 low energy b2 = D2 low energy b1 = D3 low energy b0 = RESERVED (least significant bit) pr3anaERRflags : INT PR3 analysis error flags (bits as with PR1 above) nPR1p : LONG PR1spectra: total number of protons nPR3p : LONG PR3spectra: total number of protons nPR1he3 : LONG PR1spectra: total number of He3 nPR3he3 : LONG PR3spectra: total number of He3 nPR1he4 : LONG PR1spectra: total number of He4 nPR3he4 : LONG PR3spectra: total number of He4 nPR3e : LONG Relativistic measurement: total number of 'electrons' nPR3relat : LONG Relativistic measurement: total number of 'nuclei' nPhaHeavy : BYTE PHA data: heavy isotope counter nPhaHelium : BYTE PHA data: Helium, Deuteron and Triton counter nPhaLight : BYTE PHA data: Light isotope counter nPhaRescued : BYTE PHA data: Rescued part (included in light counter above) VERSION HISTORY: 1.0 - 2006-10-25 First version for automated (on-need) structure definition (ER)