===== Documentation ===== Miscellaneous documentation related to everything in SRL * [[ged_docs|GED documentation]] * Carrington rotation generation software ===== Sources of space physics observations ===== Web is full of pages with space physics observations. We might know by heart where they are, but, still, add them to, so that they are easier to find ... * [[https://www.noaa.gov/education/resource-collections/weather-atmosphere/space-weather|Space Weather]] * [[https://www.space.com/|Space News]] ===== Sources of scientific Publications ===== The natural place to start looking is the [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/|Astrophysics Data System]], which contains bibliographic data, usually the abstract and often the article or links to the articles. * Links to scientific journals: Direct links to journal pages ===== Publications ===== These links contain publications organized in various ways and categories