===== LEVEL-3 ONBOARD SPECTRA PARAMETERS ===== **Format(s): f30, f40, f50** Level-3 Spectra Parameters, version 3.2 (type-2) Parameters for constructing the 'official' ERNE level-3 spectra from level-2 on-board spectrum counter tables. The data are to be used for ERNE on-board spectra OSS-2.30. It is usable for later versions also as long as the on-board spectral measurements are not changed. Energies -------- Enom = Foil corrected channel energy [MeV/n] - For LED this is the arithmetic average of the energies at the low- and hi-limit of the channel. - For HED the average is weighted by the varying geometric factor inside the channel. Emin = Minimum energy of the channel [MeV/n] Emax = Maximum energy of the channel [MeV/n] - Emin and Emax values are currently calculated from various, possibly slightly coflicting data sources. See NOTES below. GdE --- GdE = (Geometric factor) x (Energy channel width) [cm^2 sr MeV/n] See NOTES 2 and 4 below. Channel Detectors ----------------- When there are more than one on-board spectrum counter for an Energy channel the best combination of the available measurements have been used. The onboard spectrum counters used are indicated in the 'Channel Detector' colums: LED: the numbers are for the front detectors: D11,D12,...,D17 0 - Detector not included 1 - PR1 spectrum counter 2 - PR2 spectrum counter 3 - Both PR1 and PR2 counters HED: the numbers are for the stopping detector: S2y,D1,D2,D3 0 - Detector not included 1 - PR1 spectrum counter 3 - PR3 spectrum counter 4 - Both PR1 and PR3 counters (not currently used) On-board E-index ---------------- The on-board energy index of the channel. Energy index iE gives the nominal (uncorrected) total energy [MeV] at the channel low-limit from the formulas: LED: Elow = 2^(iE/9) MeV HED: Elow = 10 x 2^(iE/9) MeV NOTES: ------ 1. Foil energy losses have been corrected for. Exception is the recently found plastic between HED D2 and D3. 2. The tabulated values (both Enom and GdE) are calculated for a flat spectrum. 3. The first and last on-board spectral counters (integral counters) for both LED and HED have been omitted. There thus remains 34+34 (LED+HED) channels for each isotope in the table. In addition neither of the HED He3 on-board- counters number 1 (iE=17), are used, thus the corresponding GdE has value of 0.0 and the Channel Detectors are set to '0000'. 4. The channel limit energies (Emin and Emax) are approximations arrived at from different data sets than those used for Enom and GdE calculations. In addition energy limits for HED (Emin and EMax) had typically a 0.1 MeV artificial gap between the channels. This was because of the coarse grid in GdE calculation. This has been manually corrected for by lowering each HED Emin value by 0.5 MeV and increasing each Emax value by 0.5 MeV. For this reason if one calculates channel widths from this data they don't match the corresponding widths used in GdE-calculations. 5. Limit energies for He3 were not available at all, thus the corresponding tabulation values are set to -1.0. 6. Because of what is said above: a) Channel Enom and GdE values are the best possible 'guesse' at this stage. b) Channel E-limits should be used for informative purposes only. Version history 3.2 - 2002-09-06 (ER) Added minimum and maximum energies for the channels. This is designed as 'type-2' parameter table format. Changed numeric accuracy to 4 significant numbers for all the data. 3.1 - 2002-08-15 (ER) Corrected 'Channel Detectors' column for LED protons 3.0 - 2002-02-12 Original version Comments and compilation (ER) Tabulated data (TL) ||----------------------------------------------------------------------------||-------------------------------||------------------------------||----------------------|| || Energies [MeV/n] || GdE [cm^2 sr MeV/n] || Channel Detectors || On-board E-index || ||----------------------------------------------------------------------------||-------------------------------||------------------------------||----------------------|| || proton | He3 | He4 || | | || | | || | | | || ||----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| proton | He3 | He4 || proton | He3 | He4 || | p | He3 | He4 || || Emin Emax Enom | Emin Emax Enom | Emin Emax Enom || | | || | | || | | | || ||----------------------------------------------------------------------------||-------------------------------||------------------------------||----------------------|| 1.331 1.405 1.368 -1.0 -1.0 1.582 1.335 1.409 1.372 0.01926 0.02206 0.01925 '2000020' '2000020' '2000020' ; LED 1 17 19 1.405 1.487 1.446 -1.0 -1.0 1.670 1.409 1.490 1.450 0.02112 0.02366 0.02092 '2000020' '2000020' '2000020' ; 2 18 20 1.487 1.575 1.531 -1.0 -1.0 1.766 1.490 1.578 1.534 0.02319 0.02566 0.02307 '2000020' '2000020' '2000020' ; 3 19 21 1.575 1.673 1.624 -1.0 -1.0 1.872 1.578 1.676 1.627 0.02543 0.02789 0.02535 '2000020' '2000020' '2000020' ; 4 20 22 1.673 1.781 1.727 -1.0 -1.0 1.988 1.676 1.783 1.729 0.02779 0.03076 0.02769 '2000020' '2000020' '2000020' ; 5 21 23 1.781 1.897 1.839 -1.0 -1.0 2.115 1.783 1.899 1.841 0.03036 0.03380 0.03027 '2000020' '2000020' '2000020' ; 6 22 24 1.897 2.025 1.961 -1.0 -1.0 2.255 1.899 2.027 1.963 0.03327 0.03692 0.03332 '2000020' '2000020' '2000020' ; 7 23 25 2.025 2.164 2.094 -1.0 -1.0 2.406 2.027 2.165 2.096 0.03610 0.04035 0.03589 '2000020' '2000020' '2000020' ; 8 24 26 2.164 2.316 2.240 -1.0 -1.0 2.572 2.165 2.317 2.241 0.03942 0.04443 0.03942 '2000020' '2000020' '2000020' ; 9 25 27 2.316 2.480 2.398 -1.0 -1.0 2.752 2.317 2.481 2.399 0.04282 0.04786 0.04276 '2000020' '2000020' '2000020' ; 10 26 28 2.480 2.659 2.569 -1.0 -1.0 2.947 2.481 2.660 2.570 0.04645 0.05256 0.04635 '2000020' '2000020' '2000020' ; 11 27 29 2.659 2.853 2.756 -1.0 -1.0 3.160 2.660 2.854 2.757 0.05051 0.05701 0.05049 '2000020' '2000020' '2000020' ; 12 28 30 2.853 3.064 2.958 -1.0 -1.0 3.390 2.854 3.065 2.959 0.05480 0.06181 0.05477 '2000020' '2000020' '2000020' ; 13 29 31 3.064 3.292 3.178 -1.0 -1.0 3.641 3.065 3.293 3.179 0.05941 0.06732 0.05938 '2000020' '2000020' '2000020' ; 14 30 32 3.292 3.540 3.416 -1.0 -1.0 3.912 3.293 3.540 3.417 0.06438 0.07302 0.06437 '2000020' '2000020' '2000020' ; 15 31 33 3.540 3.808 3.674 -1.0 -1.0 4.207 3.540 3.808 3.674 0.06976 0.2786 0.06973 '2000020' '2333323' '2000020' ; 16 32 34 3.808 4.098 3.953 -1.0 -1.0 4.526 3.808 4.099 3.954 0.07554 0.3021 0.07551 '2000020' '2333323' '2000020' ; 17 33 35 4.098 4.414 4.256 -1.0 -1.0 4.871 4.099 4.414 4.256 0.08185 0.3272 0.2879 '2000020' '2333323' '2333323' ; 18 34 36 4.414 4.754 4.584 -1.0 -1.0 5.245 4.414 4.754 4.584 0.3115 0.3543 0.3116 '2222222' '2333323' '2333323' ; 19 35 37 4.754 5.122 4.938 -1.0 -1.0 5.650 4.754 5.122 4.938 0.3371 0.3839 0.2413 '2222222' '2333323' '0333303' ; 20 36 38 5.122 5.521 5.322 -1.0 -1.0 6.088 5.122 5.521 5.322 0.3649 0.4154 0.2613 '2222222' '2333323' '0333303' ; 21 37 39 5.521 5.953 5.737 -1.0 -1.0 6.562 5.521 5.953 5.737 0.2825 0.3217 0.2824 '0222202' '0333303' '0333303' ; 22 38 40 5.953 6.419 6.186 -1.0 -1.0 7.074 5.953 6.419 6.186 0.3055 0.3483 0.3054 '0222202' '0333303' '0333303' ; 23 39 41 6.419 6.923 6.671 -1.0 -1.0 7.629 6.419 6.923 6.671 0.3303 0.3765 0.3303 '0222202' '0333303' '0333303' ; 24 40 42 6.923 7.468 7.196 -1.0 -1.0 8.228 6.923 7.468 7.196 0.3571 0.4072 0.3572 '0222202' '0333303' '0333303' ; 25 41 43 7.468 8.058 7.763 -1.0 -1.0 8.876 7.468 8.058 7.763 0.2328 0.4404 0.3860 '0200202' '0333303' '0333303' ; 26 42 44 8.058 8.695 8.376 -1.0 -1.0 9.577 8.058 8.695 8.376 0.2517 0.4762 0.4173 '0200202' '0333303' '0333303' ; 27 43 45 8.695 9.383 9.039 -1.0 -1.0 10.33 8.695 9.384 9.039 0.2719 0.5147 0.4510 '0200202' '0333303' '0333303' ; 28 44 46 9.383 10.13 9.755 -1.0 -1.0 11.15 9.384 10.13 9.756 0.2938 0.5563 0.4880 '0200202' '0333303' '0333303' ; 29 45 47 10.13 10.93 10.53 -1.0 -1.0 12.03 10.13 10.93 10.53 0.2131 0.6013 0.5268 '0000202' '0333303' '0333303' ; 30 46 48 10.93 11.80 11.37 -1.0 -1.0 12.99 10.93 11.80 11.37 0.2307 0.6506 0.5682 '0000202' '0333303' '0333303' ; 31 47 49 11.80 12.74 12.27 -1.0 -1.0 14.03 11.80 12.74 12.27 0.2483 0.7023 0.6149 '0000202' '0333303' '0333303' ; 32 48 50 12.74 13.76 13.25 -1.0 -1.0 15.14 12.74 13.76 13.25 0.2689 0.7575 0.6644 '0000202' '0333303' '0333303' ; 33 49 51 13.76 14.85 14.30 -1.0 -1.0 16.35 13.76 14.85 14.30 0.2901 0.8199 0.7178 '0000202' '0333303' '0333303' ; 34 50 52 12.55 12.85 12.74 -1.0 -1.0 14.29 12.55 12.85 12.74 0.9530 0.0000 0.9530 '3000' '0000' '1000' ; HED 1 17 19 12.85 13.75 13.36 -1.0 -1.0 15.44 12.85 13.75 13.36 13.35 7.969 13.35 '3000' '1000' '1000' ; 2 18 20 13.75 14.65 14.21 -1.0 -1.0 16.44 13.75 14.65 14.21 20.82 18.42 20.82 '3000' '1000' '1000' ; 3 19 21 14.65 15.75 15.21 -1.0 -1.0 17.60 14.65 15.75 15.21 32.06 25.02 32.06 '3300' '1100' '1100' ; 4 20 22 15.75 16.85 16.30 -1.0 -1.0 18.85 15.75 16.85 16.30 34.55 29.62 34.55 '3300' '1100' '1100' ; 5 21 23 16.85 18.05 17.45 -1.0 -1.0 20.19 16.85 18.05 17.45 38.57 32.59 32.47 '3300' '1100' '0100' ; 6 22 24 18.05 20.75 18.70 -1.0 -1.0 21.63 18.05 20.75 18.70 41.14 34.43 38.34 '3300' '1100' '0100' ; 7 23 25 19.35 22.35 20.17 -1.0 -1.0 23.33 19.35 22.35 20.17 49.21 51.63 47.51 '0330' '1100' '0100' ; 8 24 26 20.75 24.15 21.64 -1.0 -1.0 24.96 20.75 24.15 21.64 45.97 40.04 45.97 '0330' '0110' '0110' ; 9 25 27 22.35 25.95 23.24 -1.0 -1.0 26.66 22.35 25.95 23.24 46.39 38.81 46.39 '0330' '0110' '0110' ; 10 26 28 24.05 27.95 24.96 -1.0 -1.0 28.53 24.05 27.95 24.96 46.01 37.53 43.15 '0330' '0110' '0010' ; 11 27 29 25.85 27.85 26.85 -1.0 -1.0 30.56 25.85 27.85 26.85 49.03 37.18 49.03 '0030' '0110' '0010' ; 12 28 30 27.85 29.95 28.90 -1.0 -1.0 32.74 27.85 29.95 28.90 51.65 38.94 51.65 '0030' '0010' '0010' ; 13 29 31 29.95 32.25 31.10 -1.0 -1.0 35.50 29.95 32.25 31.10 56.82 63.31 56.82 '0030' '0010' '0010' ; 14 30 32 32.25 34.75 33.50 -1.0 -1.0 38.47 32.25 34.75 33.50 61.98 45.75 61.98 '0030' '0010' '0010' ; 15 31 33 34.75 37.45 36.10 -1.0 -1.0 41.22 34.75 37.45 36.10 67.15 49.02 67.15 '0030' '0010' '0010' ; 16 32 34 37.45 40.45 38.95 -1.0 -1.0 44.17 37.45 40.45 38.95 74.89 52.52 74.89 '0030' '0010' '0010' ; 17 33 35 40.45 43.65 42.05 -1.0 -1.0 47.88 40.45 43.65 42.05 80.06 85.41 80.06 '0030' '0010' '0010' ; 18 34 36 43.65 47.05 45.35 -1.0 -1.0 51.89 43.65 47.05 45.35 85.22 61.71 85.22 '0030' '0010' '0010' ; 19 35 37 47.05 53.45 48.90 -1.0 -1.0 55.60 47.05 53.45 48.90 92.97 66.12 92.97 '0030' '0010' '0010' ; 20 36 38 50.75 57.45 52.66 -1.0 -1.0 60.33 50.75 57.45 52.66 105.8 120.7 87.43 '0033' '0010' '0010' ; 21 37 39 54.75 62.25 57.08 -1.0 -1.0 65.51 54.75 62.25 57.08 113.9 83.62 113.9 '0033' '0011' '0011' ; 22 38 40 59.15 67.35 61.55 -1.0 -1.0 70.06 59.15 67.35 61.55 127.8 90.01 127.8 '0033' '0011' '0011' ; 23 39 41 63.85 68.85 66.36 -1.0 -1.0 75.94 63.85 68.85 66.36 140.3 146.9 140.3 '0003' '0001' '0001' ; 24 40 42 68.85 74.35 71.59 -1.0 -1.0 82.24 68.85 74.35 71.59 154.9 109.2 154.9 '0003' '0001' '0001' ; 25 41 43 74.35 80.25 77.29 -1.0 -1.0 88.12 74.35 80.25 77.29 162.6 114.9 162.6 '0003' '0001' '0001' ; 26 42 44 80.25 86.65 83.43 -1.0 -1.0 95.51 80.25 86.65 83.43 171.7 181.6 171.7 '0003' '0001' '0001' ; 27 43 45 86.65 93.55 90.08 -1.0 -1.0 103.5 86.65 93.55 90.08 179.4 127.1 179.4 '0003' '0001' '0001' ; 28 44 46 93.55 101.0 97.27 -1.0 -1.0 110.9 93.55 101.0 97.27 187.9 131.8 187.9 '0003' '0001' '0001' ; 29 45 47 101.0 112.0 104.8 -1.0 -1.0 120.2 101.0 112.0 104.8 186.9 205.2 186.9 '0003' '0001' '0001' ; 30 46 48 109.0 120.8 112.5 -1.0 -1.0 129.6 109.0 120.8 112.5 74.83 86.74 74.83 '0003' '0001' '0001' ; 31 47 49 117.8 130.6 121.0 -1.0 -1.0 138.7 117.8 130.6 121.0 15.74 24.94 15.74 '0003' '0001' '0001' ; 32 48 50 127.2 140.0 129.7 -1.0 -1.0 148.1 127.2 140.0 129.7 1.023 4.194 1.023 '0003' '0001' '0001' ; 33 49 51 137.4 140.0 138.3 -1.0 -1.0 161.0 137.4 140.0 138.3 0.007085 0.03558 0.007085 '0003' '0001' '0001' ; 34 50 52