===== EINT_1 ===== ==== IDL doc_library comment ==== Function Eint_1 - Energy Integration of Lev-3 Spectra TM-format: f10 function Eint__1_11, inpChannels, intPeriodCounts, EINT_CS=customChannels, EINT_EXP=export, EINT_CR=carrot, EINT_EINF=Einfo, EINT_JUSTINFO=justinfo, EINT_NOI=noinit Version 1.11 Calling sequences: data = Eint__1_11(inpChannels) data = Eint_l3f10(inpChannels) Input parameters: inpChannels Vector of ERNE level-3 spectra records of type 'TobSpectra_a' intPeriodCounts Vector containing the number of time integrated measurement periods in each input channel record. Because of lost measurement frames the exact numbers usually vary from record to record. Returns: Vector of ERNE level-3 spectra records of a custom type Keyword parameters: EINT_IPC intPeriodCounts Vector containing the number of integration periods (time integrated) in each input channel record. EINT_CS customChannels Matrix (2 x nCh x 2) directing the custom energy binning. It gives the minimum and maximum energy index of the input record for each isotope and output energy bin. First index is the isotope (0=p,1=He) Second index is the ouput bin (0..n_bins-1) Third is the min/max (0=min,1=max) energy index of the coresponding isotope in input record There are no limits for the number of output bins, the number is deduced from the total number of elements in the matrix. Only limitation is that there must be the same number of output bins for both isotopes. If there is a need for different binning you must use dummy bins as in example 2 below. Examples: 1) If we want to integrate all the LED protons in one bin and all the HED in another and similarly for He, we will have: ch_select[0,0,0] = 0 p - 1st bin (LED) - minimum input bin ch_select[0,0,1] = 11 maximum input bin ch_select[0,1,0] = 12 2nd bin (HED) - minimum input bin ch_select[0,1,1] = 23 maximum input bin ch_select[1,0,0] = 0 He - 1st bin (LED) - minimum input bin ch_select[1,0,1] = 11 maximum input bin ch_select[1,1,0] = 12 2nd bin (HED) - minimum input bin ch_select[1,1,1] = 23 maximum input bin 2) Same as above, but we want to have better resolution in LED proton measurement ch_select[0,0,0] = 0 p - 1st bin (LED) - minimum input bin ch_select[0,0,1] = 5 maximum input bin ch_select[0,1,0] = 6 2nd bin (LED) - minimum input bin ch_select[0,1,1] = 11 maximum input bin ch_select[0,2,0] = 12 3rd bin (HED) - minimum input bin ch_select[0,2,1] = 23 maximum input bin ch_select[1,0,0] = 0 He - 1st bin (LED) - minimum input bin ch_select[1,0,1] = 11 maximum input bin ch_select[1,1,0] = 12 2nd bin (HED) - minimum input bin ch_select[1,1,1] = 23 maximum input bin ch_select[1,2,0] = 0 3rd bin (DUMMY) - minimum input bin ch_select[1,2,1] = 0 maximum input bin EINT_EXP export If set the output binning will be the same used for EXPORT data. If set the 'EINT_CS' and 'EINT_CR' keywords are ignored. EINT_CR customChannels If set the output binning will be the same used for Carrington Rotation web-plots. If set the 'EINT_CS' keyword is ignored. EINT_EINF Einfo Matrix (2 x nCh x 3) returning info on the result energy bins. First index is the isotope (0=p, 1=He) Second index is the ouput bin (0..n_bins-1) Third are the values (0=Average Energy, 1=Low energy limit, 2=High energy limit) NOTE: Only the average energy is returned at this stage as the energy limit values are not available in the current parameter file. EINT_JUSTINFO justinfo If set the program returns the Einfo-matrix instead of the regular integration results. EINT_NOI noinit If set the initialization section is skipped. This will speed up the execution if the function is being called several times with same control parameter set (the parameters are stored in a common block between successive calls). Note that on the first call of the EINT-function setting the keyword has no effect. Depends: The following files have to be in path: l3f10_Spectra_Parameters_t2_Template l3f10_Spectra_Parameters_t2 Version history: 1.11 - 2007-02-01 (ER) Transferred parPath variable to the common block 'ERNE_parameters'. 1.10 - 2007-01-19 (ER) 1) Changed the reference of the science header type to utilize the new automatic structure type definition system. Note that the other types are still defined internally in the program. 2) Added keyword EINT_JUSTINFO 1.9 - 2002-09-24 (ER) Bug correction. The 'obIntTime' parameter in the 'ERNE_parameters' common block was referenced explicitely as the first parameter of the block. The first parameter of the block was actually the 'defined' flag of the block as set in the ERNE IDL intialisation code and thus obIntTime parameter in the function got value of '1' instead of the intended '59.99...'. The reference was changed to more robust 'Common Block Reference Statement', where the parameter names are not written explicitely. 1.8 - 2002-09-11 (ER) Changed program to use type-2 parameter tables that include also maximum and minimum limits for the enrgy channels. These data are now also written to the Einfo parameter. 1.7 - 2002-09-11 (ER) Doesn't exist. Skipped in order to retain minor version sync with major version 3 series. 1.6 - 2002-09-09 (ER) Bug correction. Error in 'Einfo'-construction. When nominal wighted energies for a channel were calculated the GdE-for protons were referred in one instance instead of the the ones for the isotope in question. 1.5 - 2002-09-04 (ER) Bug correction. Changed the behaviour of energy integration for output channels consisting only of one input energy channels, that is no energy integration for that channel. In these cases the 'total'-function is not appropriate and the cases must be handled separately. 1.4 - 2002-06-28 (ER) Added keyword EINT_CR. 1.3 - 2002-06-26 (ER) Bug fix. In 'unfinit'-handling (see version 1.2), the WHERE-function result was checked agains '-1', now the correct form of checking the 'count'-parameter against '0' is used instead. 1.2 - 2002-06-19 (ER) Added check for 'unfiniteness' of intensity values after the energy integration. This would occur at least for bins where the number of time integrated records were 0. Now these intensities are forced to 0. 1.1 - 2002-06-18 (ER) Added keyword EINT_EINF. 1.0 - 2002-06-16 (ER) Original version (based on Eint.3.1).